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February 25th, 2006

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01:24 am
Cilvēki, pat pieauguši būdami, izmisīgi vālas saglabāt iespēju paspēlēties. Dažreiz arī ļauni.

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Date:February 25th, 2006 - 01:46 am
un vissliktaakais, ka tad, kad jau pieaugushi un kad tiishaam ljauni speeleejas, tad jau zina, ka nedriikst pirkstus baazt rozetee.
[User Picture]
Date:February 25th, 2006 - 10:14 am
sestdiena, 25 Feb 2006 - jubilacija

SUN square MOON (0,4 degree) - SUN at 06 PIS 16
You must balance your emotions with your individuality. You may have difficulties today dealing with the opposite sex, authority figures or family members. Ego confrontations over emotional issues are likely to be the cause. Vitality may be low today, so keep stress to a inimum. Try to understand others' points of view before expressing your own. Get in touch with your true feelings. Emotional impulses may interfere with objective and good judgment.

MARS square MERCURY (0,1 degree) - MARS at 03 GEM 34
You may have a big mouth today and it could get you into trouble. Take time to think before you speak so that you don't end up with hoof (foot) in mouth disease. You may feel rash and headstrong today. Control your impulsiveness and your nervous energy. Slow down, take a few deep breaths, and relax. Read a book, write a poem, and realize that you don't have to verbally abuse people to get them to see things your way. Don't go looking for trouble today. Trouble will find you quick enough. Watch your offhand remarks. You may bum more people out than you think. Be careful driving or working on machinery. Don't let little irritations get to you. Be tactful.
[User Picture]
Date:February 25th, 2006 - 10:43 am
beerniem tomeer ljaunaak sanaak.

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