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Oktobris 22., 2006

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You Are A: Monkey!

monkeyMonkeys are intelligent and agile, well-adapted for jungle life as they swing happily from tree to tree. As a monkey, you are a social animal who prefers a warm climate, eats a wide range of food and is quick to learn new things. A monkey's tiny primate features are irresistable, as is her gregarious personality!

You were almost a: Squirrel or a Puppy
You are least like a: Turtle or a GroundhogDiscover What Cute Animal You Are!

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Date:22. Oktobris 2006 - 16:18
You Are A: Squirrel!

sqirrelSquirrels are quick and cheerful animals who spend their time scurrying, scavenging, and playing. As a squirrel, you are often seen jumping happily from branch to branch up in the treetops. Squirrels are foragers searching for nuts and seeds, and they are social animals often seen chasing and playing with other squirrels.

You were almost a: Parakeet or a Monkey
You are least like a: Turtle or a Bear CubDiscover What Cute Animal You Are!

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