ziema nāk :
es sāku pārtikt no cepumiem un šokolādes...
Bet kopā ar velopārvietošanos nevajadzētu būt pārāk briesmīgi...
R rit laiž mājās, ja visas analīzes ok :D joprojām neticami - nedēļu pēc major op jams ir back to normal.
Tags: es, life, r
es sāku pārtikt no cepumiem un šokolādes...
Bet kopā ar velopārvietošanos nevajadzētu būt pārāk briesmīgi...
R rit laiž mājās, ja visas analīzes ok :D joprojām neticami - nedēļu pēc major op jams ir back to normal.
Garastāvoklis:: sleepy
Mūzika: the black adder
What does a gay man and an ambulance have in common? They both get loaded from the rear and go whoo-whoo! :
When I was in my early 20's all I wanted was thick hair and a thin wife.
I'm in my 30's now and have got it the other way around.
What did the letter O say to Q?
Dude, your dick is hanging out.
I walked out of a club with a girl last night.
She slipped her hand inside my jeans, squeezed my cock and said, "Yours or mine?"
I said, "That's mine."
My mate's opened up a new chain of coffee shops in Russia.
It's called Tsarbucks.
If I rub sand on my pubes, will it make the crabs feel at home?
Tags: jokes
When I was in my early 20's all I wanted was thick hair and a thin wife.
I'm in my 30's now and have got it the other way around.
What did the letter O say to Q?
Dude, your dick is hanging out.
I walked out of a club with a girl last night.
She slipped her hand inside my jeans, squeezed my cock and said, "Yours or mine?"
I said, "That's mine."
My mate's opened up a new chain of coffee shops in Russia.
It's called Tsarbucks.
If I rub sand on my pubes, will it make the crabs feel at home?
Garastāvoklis:: cheerful
Mūzika: swhrock