Perfect Mind - Day

Saturday, January 31, 2004

12:04AM - pizdeccccc

es jau ieprieksh atvainojos par pareizraksyiibas kluudaam, es tachu teicu, ka shodien jaadzer, tagad luuk ir arii iemesls - tikko ar [info]heartshaped_box  iepisaamies stabaa, vinja jau laikam aprakstiija sho gadiijumu sava journalaal, visiem hujova, bet nu...taada dziive...

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10:50AM - hmmm....

tagad, sēžot darbā un miermīlīgi gremojot mīkstās barankas ar Mate tēju, iedomājos, ka varbūt vajadzētu paskatīties uz vakardienas ralliju no citas puses, sākt domāt pozitīvā, teiksim, apmēram tā - "nu, vismaz tagad Toyota ir iesvētīta"...hmmm, sāk izdoties.

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1:31PM - dažas skārbas patiesības...

Last month a worldwide survey was conducted by the UN. The only question was:

"Would you please give your honest opinion about the solutions to the food shortage in the rest of the world?"

 Not surprisingly, the survey was a huge failure because:

In Africa they didn`t know what "food" meant.

In Eastern Europe they didn`t know what "honest" meant.:))))

 In Western Europe they didn`t know what "shortage" meant.

In China they didn`t know what "opinion" meant.

In the Middle East they didn`t know what "solution" meant.

In South America they didn`t know what "please" meant.

And, in the USA they didn`t know what "the rest of the world" meant.

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