20 Septembris 2009 @ 15:58
Šovakar dodos uz izrādi "Vadonis". Šodien jau dzirdēju, ka slikti par to izsakoties un recenzijas neesot no labākajām, jo ko gan varot sagaidīt no Freiberga. Redzēsim.
20 Septembris 2009 @ 22:44
Facebook jociņi.  
You were born on Friday
Since you were born has passed 24 years.
Since you were born has passed 296 months.
Since you were born has passed 1,288 weeks.
Since you were born has passed 9,025 days.
Since you were born has passed 216,623 hours.
Since you were born has passed 12,997,389 minutes.
Since you were born has passed 779,843,322 seconds.

Funny Facts:
Your heart beat 1,039,531,148 times
Your hair grewn 370 cm.
You slept 72,200 hours
You ate 10,018 kg. of food
You drank 12,825 liters of liquid
You walked 52,345,000 steps, about 17,400 km.
You blinked 138,624,000 times
You farted 135,375 times, producing 406 liters of CO2 (carbon dioxide) and 316 liters of CH4 (methane).
You urinated 30,685 times, almost 13,086 liters.