[09 Mar 2009|08:01am] |
Irāna, atspulgs.
Atbildot uz žurnālista apgalvojumu, ka Ajatulla Komeini ir absolūta diktatorisma pārstāvis, Komeini ir atbildējis: "Irāna nav manās rokās. Irāna ir tautas rokās." Pilns stāsts šeit, iekš time.com
[09 Mar 2009|03:24pm] |
pētīju pārgājienu iespējas pakistānā un uzdūros uz forumu. sasmējos par ironiju:
hammerforlife: Have a look at the UK foreign office information re Pakistan. Seems like you really need a good understanding of the places you can and cannot go to. Not he easiest place to travel to by the look of it. http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/travelling-and-living-overseas/travel-advice-by-country/asia-oceania/pakistan
Andreas: And don't go to weddings...
maimai83: Damn straight on that, if you want to avoid accidental bombings by US forces, it's best to stick to where it's safe. Like terrorist training camps.