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[15 Oct 2008|12:44pm]
TIK smieklīgi.
Šodien Artmanei bēres, ceremonija notiek katedrālē, gājiens - pa Brīvības ielu. Tātad - tur neies trolejbusi. Ceremonija sākas 11tos, gājiens - 12tos. Tātad - pienāk rīkojums no Rīgas domes par sab. transporta kustības slēgšanu no plkst. 12tiem tur tuvumā. Tātad - jāzin, kuri trolejbusi (manā gadījumā tie ir trolejbusi) sākot no 12tiem brauc pa Brīvības ielu (un vēl dažām citām). Bet izrādās gājiens sākas 15 minūtes agrāk, un visi tie trolejbusi, kas brauc no 11:45 līdz 12:00.. iesprūst... un tiek aizdzīti kur nu kurais :D
Pilnīgs haoss, jo vadi ir šurtur, bet trolejbusu vadītājs brauc tur, kur ir vadi, un kur drīkst, jo policists krata zizli un saka - nene...
ai, Rīga, Rīga...
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[15 Oct 2008|02:22pm]
viens ceturtais trolejbuss iekritis "melnajā caurumā" un šodien riņķo pa pirmā trolejbusa maršrutu... :D
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i`ve got email, jējē! [15 Oct 2008|10:48pm]
Hi Didzis Lauva

I'm Wezz from Algeria, you are welcome in Algeria, I
live in El Eulma city, 330kms from Algiers, El Eulma
is the first trading city in Algeria, it's the big
commercial pole in the country, I host you in my flat
with no problem.

For entering to Algeria you must have a visa, so I'll
send you the certificate of lodging, to obtain your
visa, you search about what you need for visa and I'm
at your disposal.

About your travel from Tunisia to Algeria, you have 2
method to arrive in Algeria:
You can take taxi from Bourguiba street in Tunis to
Annaba 1500 ALGERIAN DINARS it means 13€ for 1 place
and after you take a bus to El Eulma for 300 DA= 2.8€
or you take directly a clandestine taxi from Bourguiba
street to El Eulma for 14000 DA= 120€ and after it's
easy to go to the west Algerian and take ferry to

May be I can receive you in Annaba by car.

If like also you can take a plain from Tunis to Algiers
and Algiers Setif (Setif is the state, 27kms from my

In the end, for all information you need to know, I'm
entirely at you service.
and some personal info
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