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[13 May 2005|12:08am]
Tu esi fantastiska!
es mīlu Tevi!
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[13 May 2005|10:28am]
We got older, but we're still young
We never grew out of this feeling that we wont give up
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[13 May 2005|12:17pm]
pēc šīs vasaras strādāšu!
4 comments|post comment

[13 May 2005|01:19pm]
Kad nav vairs pat sapņu, tad vienīgi var palīdzēt paļāvība uz Dievu.
40 comments|post comment

[13 May 2005|02:24pm]

Rentgens ar bateriju.
nezko gribējis.. sirdi uzlādēt..?

(thnx [info]dat)
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[ viewing | May 13th, 2005 ]
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