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būs savādāk

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[25 Jan 2005|12:57pm]
un sho postu es iebiidu no Linux..

fonti ir drausmiigi un nevar atrast skanju :D
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[25 Jan 2005|06:44pm]
vakar atradaas skanja un pelei rulliitis... :DD

sodien peec peedeejaas atziimes un kaukur dziivee.
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[25 Jan 2005|06:50pm]
[ music | Million Dead :: Smillling At Strangers On trains ]

un vispaar....

do re mi sol faaaaa# - basa partijas dalja kaadai dziesmai :)) were a single red blood cell, but i lost you in this knot of capillaries, but you were bringing me oxygen when i needed it most in the smoke..

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[ viewing | January 25th, 2005 ]
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