klostersienas klusee. - 14. Aprīlis 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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14. Aprīlis 2009

[14. Apr 2009|00:14]
[Music |Devendra Banhart - Lover]

likaas, ja cilveeks arvien biezhaak saak iegriezties atminjaas, tas var liecinaat vieniigi par vecumu. tagad klusinu - tik deelj miilamaa naivi bezruupiigaa romantisma, kuru nekad nenoveerteeju in realtime.
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Agua reserves expired. Ditto. [14. Apr 2009|02:14]
[Music |Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah]

I was trapped under my mileage.
So I grounded a small office in the corner of my brain
and I placed a wicker chair there for my ghosts to repose and gather.
I know what you think, I'm an awful inhumer of quondam.
But I'm not leaving this in the state of neglect
Since you and me, we are made of the same quintessence.
and 'Love is not a victory march'
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particular reason for insomnia? [14. Apr 2009|05:01]
[Music |The Mountain Goats - Get Lonely]

I cannot keep the peace lasting in my head
Mind is unbroken soliloquizing in different tongues.
[por supuesto] i tried to hush it,
but it turned in abortive attempt [ensayo fracasado].
that's why i was sitting in the late night beside the boisterous ocean.
And when the day rised, i adopted the silence of the weakened wales.
[благополучная развязка]
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unterm Zaren. Rothschilds Geige. [14. Apr 2009|21:47]
[Music |Guillemots - Through The Window Pane]

Пожила старушка. Пора и честь знать.

Да, он не велел ей пить чай, потому что и без того расходы большие, и она пила только горячую воду. И он понял, отчего у нее теперь такое странное, радостное лицо, и ему стало жутко.

Если бы я не уважал вас за талант, то вы бы давно полетели у меня в окошке.
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