I'll be Peter Pan and you just be pretty [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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[Aug. 5th, 2024|12:41 am]

I guess it goes to show, does it not?
That we've no idea what we've got until we lose it
And no amount of love will keep it around
If we don't choose it
And I don't know what's got its teeth in me
But I'm about to bite back in anger
No amount of self-sought fury
Will bring back the glory of innocence

[Jun. 23rd, 2024|11:44 am]
eju atvaljinaajumaa liidz 20. augustam
Link2 piekabes|piekabināt

[Jun. 23rd, 2024|11:42 am]

The Summoning

[Jun. 23rd, 2024|02:20 am]
[dzirdu |Tool - Third eye]

"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather."
Link9 piekabes|piekabināt

[May. 27th, 2024|02:35 pm]

mīlu sleep token

[Mar. 16th, 2024|12:50 pm]

Damn, ir 2024.gads un cilvēki vēl aizvien vilcienos ēd belašus
Link1 piekabes|piekabināt

[Feb. 15th, 2024|11:49 pm]
saka "spikes spikes spikes"
dzirdu "spice spice spice"

pretty much the same thing

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