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[09 Mar 2004|11:37am]
Šodien uz lekcijām neaizgāju, jo sāp galva:D Un dikti slāpē... Bet nezkatoties uz neko, jūtos vienkārši lieliski!!!
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[09 Mar 2004|09:26pm]
[ music | Thats the way love is ]

Two people take around to be together
and live in love each other
funny thing and they change their mind.

They both go their several ways and
love is just a memory.
But a young heart doesn´t stay sad long
another love soon come along.

Two people don´t get along deep down in both
their feelings were so strong.
They try hard to conseiling
their hearts burn ´cause they both know

Love is here without reason
feelings change, just like seasons.
Love nothing is the same
there´s a huge thing for telling what´s this love is

And sometimes it´s so unfair
when the feelings are no longer there.

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[09 Mar 2004|11:03pm]
[ mood | :/ ]

Rakstiju skumju vēstuli un apraudājos:/ Bet man tiešām gribējās izlikt savas sajūtas uz papīra...

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[ viewing | March 9th, 2004 ]
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