Uga-chaka. uga-chaka... :) -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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[16 Dec 2003|03:51pm]
You're just the happy go-lucky type. You might have
your pet peeves, but other than that, you're
mainly calm. Blending in with your
surroundings, you're the type of person who
everyone likes. Usually it's you who cracks
jokes at social gatherings - after all,
laughter is the best medicine. Sometimes you
pretend to be stupid, but in all actuality, you
could be the next Einstein.

What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by Quizilla
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Ui...:) [16 Dec 2003|03:57pm]
Which FLCL Character Are You ?

brought to you by Quizilla

Always the center of attention, nobody can predict what you're going to do next. You love to have fun and often don't think of the consequences your actions can render. You're usually labeled the "crazy one" in the group and have a serious side (though seldom seen).
In the Manga: Haruko is an alien who came searching for someone like Naota. She carries around a kickin' bass and isn't afraid to do anything that sounds appealing at the moment. Full of spunk and life, this alien does have a complex nature she hardly ever shows.
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Laix pushkjot egliiti:) [16 Dec 2003|08:50pm]
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[16 Dec 2003|08:59pm]
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[ viewing | December 16th, 2003 ]
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