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Izplatu muļķības - October 21st, 2012
Open season.
Today it feels like somebody has announced an open hunt for my soul. Everybody who has a bit of time and who are not too lazy - try this new attraction and see - maybe you can succeed, it's not like you can lose anything by trying your hand at it. Well, I can.

As if school dramas wouldn't be enough, I'm almost feeling one creeping up to me in my previously so boring ordinary life. There are so many things that make/leave me confused and .. fucked up in my mind. I know that we all are somehow screwed up by our previous lives and experiences but right now I'm just afraid that the point at which I'm gonna be damaged beyond repairing is not far. At least when it comes to people, trusting them, being friends with them, caring about them, not being able to say 'no' to them, trying to understand them..

Don't hunt me down just to rip me into pieces. Please.

Current Mood: despereišans kaind of
Current Music: Lifehouse

Name: madara
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