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Izplatu muļķības - July 12th, 2011
Don't get me wrong.

It's been a long time since I last wondered, if this is how people feel:

  • when considering the stability of the state of their mind they're now in
  • when standing on the very edge of something and wondering
  • just before falling to such a small pieces so they cannot be put together again

'Cause.. I kind of have a 30 minute cycle of them repeating over and over again.

And at the same time it's like being stuck in a very tiny, dark room with no air to suck in, therefore with no ability to scream or even say a single word. And maybe (actually, most probably) there are people in there with me, but I don't see them. It's so pitch black I don't even see myself, nevermind the rest of the world. All I want to do is to crawl into a corner or something and hope that somehow I will cease to exist, or at least no-one (including myself) will ever find me and just assume I'm not there anymore.

Please, just let me not be here.

Current Mood: Black hole, no revelations
Current Music: Mixtape yet to be made

Name: madara
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