I'm Your Hope... - >()
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antikrists From: [info]antikrists Date: April 2nd, 2007 - 11:29 pm (Link)
Jā, pēc atlūguma jāstrādā mēnesis, ja vien, nez, moš vari kaukā ar darba devēju savādāk sarunāt. Bet tā - mēnesis.

Un par to "Te vismaz visi runā latviski :)" - man ir pamatota aizdoma, ka daļa ķieģelīšlicēju vairāk būs iecienījuši "bļe, čo nada, suka", nevis "sveiki!".

Tak liecies mierā, strādā / slinko šito pašu darbu, spēlē WoW, utt :)
hope From: [info]hope Date: April 3rd, 2007 - 10:43 am (Link)
vakar biju aizgājis uz Battlegroundu (tjip jāspēlē uz flagiem). Bļeeee, riktīgi spārda, šorīt knapi piecēlos -_- Tur dmg ziņā gāju pa pirmajām 3 vietām ar savu warlocku :) Vēl pāris spēles un ta varēšu sapirkt pāris smukas mantiņas par nopelnītiem honor punktiem :)
polims From: [info]polims Date: April 3rd, 2007 - 04:54 pm (Link)
isteniba neslikti ja nem vera ka pirmas 2 vietas bija droshvien twinki ;]
hope From: [info]hope Date: April 3rd, 2007 - 05:00 pm (Link)
polims From: [info]polims Date: April 3rd, 2007 - 05:17 pm (Link)
chari kas pieder kadam kam jau ir 70 lvl. Vinsh parasti saperk labakas mantas un enchatus prieksh sava otra zema limena chara un tadejadi klust daudz specigaks par tevi(jo tev noteikti nav enchati un labakas mantas pa kopeju summu apmeram 500 gold)
hope From: [info]hope Date: April 3rd, 2007 - 05:34 pm (Link)
polims From: [info]polims Date: April 3rd, 2007 - 05:41 pm (Link)
nemaz ne visas mantas ir godigi nopirktas tapat kaa enchati un tas ir pilnigi legali vienigi tas maksaa tiri pabaigi,bet to atsver prieks ka tu viens pats vari nosist 5 netwinkus reizee
polims From: [info]polims Date: April 3rd, 2007 - 05:43 pm (Link)
This is real the best equip for 19 rogue twink (only Alliance) :

Back : http://www.thotbott.com/?i=3471 (Sentry Cloak) - +3 agility (or Increased Stealth)
Chest : http://www.thotbott.com/?i=2450 (Tunic of Westfall) or http://www.thotbott.com/?i=7076 (Blackened Defias Armor) - +100 HP
Feet : http://www.thotbott.com/?i=5060 (Feet of the Lynx) - +7 Stamina (or Minor Speed Increased)
Finger 1 :http://www.thotbott.com/?i=2287 (Seal of Wrynn)
Finger 2 : http://www.thotbott.com/?i=52227 (Protector's Band)
Hands : http://www.thotbott.com/?i=39535 (Bristlebark Gloves) - +15 agility
Head : http://www.thotbott.com/?i=51844 (Lucky fishing hat) - +100 HP
Main Hand : http://www.thotbott.com/?i=11366 (Shadowfang) or http://www.thotbott.com/?i=12802 (Assassin's Blade) - +15 agility (or Lifestealing)
Off-Hand : http://www.thotbott.com/?i=5664 (Cruel Barb) - +15 agility
Ranged : http://www.thotbott.com/?i=4234 (Lil Timmy's Peashooter) - +3 scope (get higher lvl friend and in Item will not be trade window give it to you weapon like any other enchants)
Neck : http://www.thotbott.com/?i=52295 (Sentinel's Medallion)
Legs : http://www.thotbott.com/?i=3932 (Leggings of the Fang) - +100 HP
Waist : http://www.thotbott.com/?i=2984 (Deviate Scale Belt)
Wrist : http://www.thotbott.com/?i=6297 (Forest Leather Bracers) - +9 stamina
Trinket 1 : http://www.thotbott.com/?i=40294 (Arena Grand Master) or http://www.thotbott.com/?i=39986 (Insignia of the Alliance)
Trinket 2 : http://www.thotbott.com/?i=40294 (Arena Grand Master)
Shoulder : http://www.thotbott.com/?i=4679 (Talbar Mantle)

It's hard to find this equip but you will be real strong with that =) gl
And btw if U want to be the best, find some food and potions (Elixir of Defense, Strong Troll's Blood Potion, Elixir of Lesser Agility, Goblin Deviled Clams...)

reku 19 lvl twinka ekipejums(pats labakais tipa)
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