
Sun 15.04.18 | 23:51
One thing always strikes me in terms of design when I'm in Latvia (USSR republic in 1940 and 1945-1990). It is how modular, repairable, and in that way "simple" things that have survived from the Soviet era look. Ingeniously built wooden ironing boards for example, the older generations of trams of Riga, the "Minsk" folding bicycles that you still see around very often, the trains (no new ones since 1991!), even many of the "Chrushchovkas" appartment blocks...



Mon 02.04.18 | 22:14
Ylvis - Push the Button Full Video | Stories from Norway Season 1 Episode 5


Thu 08.03.18 | 10:00
Tunisian female here. The answer is simple for Tunisian women. The highest paying jobs are in Engineering and Medicine and all of the other jobs are miserable. That combined with a free-ish education where you can choose any field, makes the choice obvious.

I personally see the lack of women in STEM in Western countries as a good thing, it means that they are doing well economically and don't have to deal with the tedious STEM education and workload.



Tue 06.03.18 | 12:50
Runājot par sistēmas un virtuālās rindas apieÅ”anas iespējām, proti, ka IT jomā zinoÅ”i cilvēki pie biļetēm varējuÅ”i tikt ātrāk, "BiļeÅ”u paradÄ«zes" pārstāvis Ēriks Naļivaiko apstiprināja, ka sistēmu bija iespējams "apkrāpt".

"Jā, bija iespēja apiet virtuālo rindu," atzina "BiļeÅ”u paradÄ«zes" lÄ«dzÄ«paÅ”nieks un vadÄ«tājs Naļivaiko. ViņŔ to uzskata par rupjÄ«bu un salÄ«dzina ar "huligānu bariņu tumŔā ielā", ko tirdzniecÄ«bas sistēma bija gatava "satikt", taču nebija gatava, ka tai "lÄ«dzi bÅ«s tanks".



Wed 21.02.18 | 16:53
Latvijas pārstāvniecÄ«ba izveidota kopstrādes biroja ēkā Ā«WeWorkĀ», kas ir globāla koprades platforma inovatÄ«viem, strauji augoÅ”iem tehnoloÄ£iju jaunuzņēmumiem.

WeWorks are hell, ironically I would only work there if I wanted to do some ā€œcasual workā€ ā€“ writing a few lines of code, play some ping pong, drink a beer, living the startup life, chat with some people. When I actually needed to do some serious business I got the hell out and went to my real office.


Tue 02.01.18 | 18:10

Nekur nav rakstīts, kurŔ kantoris Ŕo izstrādāja. Kuri tie ir?


Thu 09.11.17 | 22:15
"Viņu kādu brÄ«di māktu Å”aubas, bet pēc tam viņŔ izpildÄ«tu lÅ«gumu." Iznestu atkritumus "un pasniegtu kā dāvanu": "Es dāvinu tev Å”o tukÅ”o atkritumu tvertni mÅ«su mÄ«lestÄ«bas dēļ..." ā€“ "Un beigās pats kļūtu laimÄ«gs": "Es iznesu atkritumus, tā ir laime. Vairāk nesmird." Un sieviete: "Nevar bÅ«t, vai tu to izdarÄ«ji? Manis dēļ. Tu esi Ä«sts vÄ«rietis, atkritumu iznesējs."

- http://satori.lv/article/viena-kugi-ar-ugi


Thu 19.10.17 | 19:21
o, hackers are so sexy. not.

KopÅ” kura laika notiesāts zaglis tiek aicināts par vadÄ«tāju konferencē?



Tue 22.08.17 | 23:10
The company lost 539 million euros last year despite its growth. It pays out more than 80 percent of revenue in royalties to music rights holders and streaming-delivery costs, leaving little margin for investments in technology and new staff.

- https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-08-21/sec-is-said-to-study-spotify-plan-to-bypass-ipo-in-nyse-listing


Sun 30.07.17 | 10:06
a lack of direction from Wahlforss, who served as chief technology officer, made things worse, with some engineers going rogue and rebuilding their colleaguesā€™ work in their preferred programming language.
- https://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanmac/inside-the-storm-at-soundcloud


Wed 26.07.17 | 09:11
Take Ambient Chill, which has 406,000 followers and is grouped with other instrumental playlists as ā€œFocusā€ music. The first song on the playlist is by composer Max Richter. The second is by an unknown band called Deep Watch, which has two songs on Spotify, each with more than a million streams. The first song on Sleep, a playlist of calming, instrumental tracks with 1.5 million followers, is by Enno Aare, a band with three songs on Spotify and no footprint outside of the streaming service. The band Evolution of the Stars has only two songs on Spotify, but both are on the Deep Focus playlist and they have a combined 15 million streams.

A Spotify spokesperson did not respond to questions about these accusations, which, if true, amount to the company misleading listeners by concocting artists who donā€™t really exist.

- http://www.vulture.com/2017/07/streaming-music-cheat-codes.html


Mon 24.07.17 | 09:09
someone found out that the admin password was adminadmin and managed to log in using that.

- https://blog.marai.me/2017/07/24/18-year-old-arrested-bkk-tsystems-e-ticket/

Vasaras naktis 2001

Thu 20.07.17 | 21:31
Linkin Park - Papercut


Mon 19.06.17 | 11:47
izrādās, Japānā un vēl pāris Āzijas valstīs ir https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menstrual_leave

Menstrual leave is controversial because it can be seen as a criticism of women's work efficiency or as sexism.


Sun 11.06.17 | 00:11


Fri 09.06.17 | 09:35
ā€œThey are the ones who raised us and almost all of them drink heavily. The Lithuanian family is where the father drinks and drinks and leaves the mother to do her best aloneā€. Her friend, Else SidorenkartĆ©, 25, nods in agreement. Sitting nearby, Eimantas Uscila, 25, adds: ā€œThere are a lot of people here who have problems. I think itā€™s a good ideaā€.
