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Feb. 24th, 2005 | 02:59 pm

patreiz mekleju info savam market research un mana seja uzradas smiins, kad lasiju sho:

The name LITHUANIA still sounds quite exotic for most British people,who are often surprised that it is just two and a half hours flight fromLondon. Local language is Lithuanian, (not Russian) and the country is well developed with a lot to offer. 1st May, 2004

kokos nedzivojam un eedam ne tikai seenes. vismaz Irija ir easy - divreiz nav jastasta, kur tada Latvija ir.

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from: [info]ivchix
date: Feb. 24th, 2005 - 06:47 pm

es jau saaku darboties kaa virtuaalais savedeejs - cool!

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