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Vasara un dūmi - January 20th, 2018

Jan. 20th, 2018 10:58 am ideoloģiskā tīrība

Lūk, kā tiek vērtēti pretendenti uz profesora vietu vizuālās komunikācijas specialitātē Zviedrijas lielākajā mākslas augstskolā:

"However his rather brief address to the specifics of the job criteria are slight and insufficient, and reveals a lack of theoretical, intellectual consideration for what norm criticism, or norm creativity, could mean. His claim that his work is “gender neutral” and that “gender, religion and race often take focus away from the content of an illustration,” show this lack of consideration, as it is a basic tenet of a norm critical perspective that the aesthetic is never separable from the political, and that art is never neutral. His own art, while merry and full of life, owes much to African sculpture, and the primitivist school of art. This in itself could be read in relation to European colonialism and the Swedish myth of neutrality."
"While his artwork seems to play with ideas of high and low art, none of the work he includes with his application presents as having a norm critical conceptual basis."
"I found some of it to not be challenging at all, but to include rather standard images, such as in his array of traditionally rendered naked and eroticized women. The choice to depict women this way strikes me as nostalgic, rather than critical."

Un pozitīvais vērtējums par pretendenti, kura tiek novērtēta kā atbilstošākā amatam:
"Teleman works from a feminist and political perspective, with attention to visibility in terms of race, ability and religious identity … she understands an analysis of power and its distribution is central to a to a norm critical perspective."


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