Svētdiena, 1. Feb 2009, 16:33
[info]halina: Lepnums :)

Vecā audiokasetē (pašrakstītā, kur rakstījām dziesmas vienu otrai pāri)
atradu šo dziesmiņu.

Simon Collins - Pride

pride is all we have now
when we`re left with nothing
too strong to break with muscle
beyond any pain or suffering

a soul`s redemption
to face the fear of rejection
the last reserve for being
a life without doesn`t have any meaning

no need to hide and stay protected
don`t be afraid to show that you have pride

forced into the molding
just another s.i.n. number
afraid to break the iceing
around your soul`s slumber

there`s more to life than what I see here
don`t be afraid to show that you can fly

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