Otrdiena, 19. Aug 2008, 16:48
[info]halina: Salsa

Nu lūk,
forši izrādās, ka katoļu baznīca spēj pieļaut salsas dziedāšanu un pat pasmaidīt.


Dziesmiņa veltīta acīmredzot fantastiskai dziedātājai acīmredzot viņas bērēs.

Reku oriģināls:

Vo vajadzēja man aiziet uz to salsas festivālu un iemīlēt šo dziesmu.

Un aptuvenais tulkojums angliski:
Everyone out there that thinks that like is unfair,
Needs to know that's not the case,
Because life is beautiful, you just have to live it.
Everyone out there that thinks they are alone and that that's bad
Needs to know that's not the case,
Because in life no one is alone, there is always someone

Ay, there's no need to cry, because life is a carnival,
It's more beautiful to live singing.
Oh, Ay, there's no need to cry,
For life is a carnival
And your pains can be alieviated through song.

Everyone out there that thinks that life is always harsh,
Need to know that's not the case,
That there are just bad times, and it will all pass.
Everyone out there, that thinks that this will never change,
Need to know that's not the case,
The bad times will turn, it will all pass.

Ay, there's no need to cry, because life is a carnival,
It's more beautiful to live singing.
Oh, Ay, there's no need to cry,
For life is a carnival
And your pains can be alieviated through song.
For those that complain forever.
For those that only critisize.
For those that use weapons.
For those that pollute us.
For those that make war.
For those that live in sin.
For those that mistreat us.
For those that make us sick.

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