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[Links:| Jaunie Dziesmas Stāsti ]

Apr. 15th, 2010|12:51 am

Name: Maximillian Erebus Hawthorne.

Male, 27

Education: Extensive homeschooling, later enrolled in Miskatonic University studying Physics, but dropped out during the first semester.

Occupation: Dilettante

Birthplace: Hamden, CT

Physical appearance: Max stands average at 1,72 cm tall. His hair and moustache are neatly trimmed to the latest fashion. He wears a light grey pinstriped suit with a matching wide-brimmed hat. Maximillian's face is narrow and too boyish for his age, but little creases around his eyes and lips point to many a night spent in bohemian pleasures. His eyes are greyish blue and his nose is narrow and straight. He exudes an aura of revelry and unseriousness, which only sometimes isn't true.

Habits and personality: He is impatient, has little tolerance towards tedium and will do whatever he can to have his daily dose of fun. He is not averse to trying various substances, rituals and technological wonders just to get another high. While not really a fighter in any sense, Max takes personal insults rather seriously and has been through his fair share of brawls. Being clearly from the upper class, he can't help but look down on the poor. Some of his friends would describe him as a magnificent bastard. Most, however, would prefer to leave out the "magnificent" part.

History: Maximillain Erebus Hawthorne, son of Judith and Theodore Jeremiah, is the youngest descendant of a trade tycoon's family. Being the younger of 3 brothers (the others being Walter Eliah and Rutherford Isaiah), Max has enjoyed the benefits of his father's wealth, while also having no real responsibilities toward the company. Homeschooled by the best, he found an early fascination with natural sciences and thought of pursuing a career in physics. While he found the subject matter fascinating, he found himself unable to soldier through the studies and dropped out. For the past 4 years Maximillian has been spending his mornings sleeping, afternoons reading and exploring worldly curiosities and nights in the arms of beautiful ladies, in an opiate haze, enjoying the company of artists or a combination of all three.

Favourite lines of poetry:
Morphine slumber, in a haze of wonders
Enter womb-shaped rooms where we can be safe
Vision blurred by an opiate sky
Sedated while your world starts to quake
I forgot how affection used to taste
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