[Jun. 5th, 2007|08:30 am] |
Par Ozolu.
Mēs abi cīnāmies pret aptuveni vienu un to pašu parādību, cilvēku grupu. Būtiskā atšķirība slēpjas tajā, ka viņš to dara vēsturiskās pēctecības uzturēšanai, es savukārt lai novērst valodas noplicināšanos. |
[Jun. 5th, 2007|09:03 am] |
Take no prisoners, Care no losses. At stormfront, at stormfront! Our glory, it calls us!
As waves our tides will clash and cling. For triumph, for triumph! They'll die from my sting!
Resistance is futile, Blood flows to the mud Press on, press on! And stand with us God!
Throng upon throng A mass of hatred. Mercy, mercy! And we fall faded. |
[Jun. 5th, 2007|01:37 pm] |
Pilni punkti. |
[Jun. 5th, 2007|02:07 pm] |
I am a node of server. Born of flesh and blood but enhanced by the power of its web I have no use for pain or fear. My scripts are a focus of my will. My strength is my knowledge. My weapons are my skills. Information is the blood of my body. I am part of the greater network. I am host to the vast data of server. My flesh is weak, but my connection is eternal; And therefore, I am a god. |
[Jun. 5th, 2007|09:11 pm] |
Īsa piebilde: Ja ir kāds neprātīgais, kam nāk (ne)prātā ierasties uz manu izlaidumu, tad ziniet, ka es īgņojos par mirušu ziedu dāvināšanu. Dzīvi augi tiek labprāt pieņemti. |