Non serviam - January 14th, 2005 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Vērotājs, staigātājs

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January 14th, 2005

[Jan. 14th, 2005|03:44 pm]
[stāvoklis |Eh, ko niekus melst?]
[melodija |Kad kaujas cirvis pāršķeļ akmeni, pērkondārdi veļas.]

I've been left alone here hence
Don't need food, don't need defense
Oh, this curse did come to pass
When my lands fell to steeds of brass
By a demon it was harassed

I sought him out, headed to ask:
- Return my kingdom, I'll do all tasks.
- To you what meaning does it pose?
- I'd give my life, die like a rose.
- Your faith is weak, you need it not.
- I'd give up all, all I have got.
I give you all, why can't you see?
- Then give up your death to me!

Twisted fate
For I agreed
To live alone
Linklem tiesu

[ viewing | January 14th, 2005 ]
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