Non serviam - November 9th, 2004 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Vērotājs, staigātājs

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[Links:| Jaunie Dziesmas Stāsti ]

November 9th, 2004

[Nov. 9th, 2004|01:09 pm]

Carve your name
in a side of my moon
as the purple duke
flies on a broom
in bloom
with wings of doom
Surrounded by tame
fae folk who new
how to live a game
or was it how to game a life
Isn't that the same?
'tis opposite, agreed
So mentored by she
A prisoner not freed.
But never shall.
made bounds.
Shackle her for
long. A door
opens between
us and we, so ask
I of pain of you of gain
Now carve your moon
in a side of my name!
Does it feel the same?
Linklem tiesu

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