Non serviam - October 23rd, 2004 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Vērotājs, staigātājs

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[Links:| Jaunie Dziesmas Stāsti ]

October 23rd, 2004

[Oct. 23rd, 2004|04:19 pm]
[stāvoklis |Bezsakara absolūts]
[melodija |Evanescence - Going under]

Kā lai jūs man ticat, ja es pats apšaubu sevi.
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[Oct. 23rd, 2004|05:47 pm]
[melodija |Paradise lost - erased]

I don’t owe anything
I don’t owe anyone
Shoot pride for all it’s worth
I don’t belong

In a situation now
That I could not repair
I assert myself to sleep
Show others that I’ve cared
How cold is this poor life
Lay ashes at my grave
If it takes me away from you
A subtle gesture

I don’t know anyone
cherish my religion
I don’t know anyone
faith is only fiction
I don’t know anyone
cherish my religion
I don’t know anyone
faith is only fiction

This is erased I promise not a trace
This is erased I promise no delay not a trace
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[ viewing | October 23rd, 2004 ]
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