Non serviam - June 24th, 2004 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 24th, 2004

[Jun. 24th, 2004|02:03 pm]
[stāvoklis |negribu prom]
[melodija |Silbermond - Durch die nacht]

Adios muchachos braucu uz Angliju, tātad vesela nedēļa fušš. Šobrīd ir 13:52 tātad 14h 38min līdz izbraukšanai... jo tuvāk nāk, jo mazāk gribas pamest savas birzis un mežus. Bet lai nu kā, atcerieties, mani draugi "For every action there is a reaction, for every birth there is a death." un kamēr esmu prom, lai četri stāv jums klāt.
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Jāņi [Jun. 24th, 2004|02:18 pm]
[stāvoklis |nav man labi]
[melodija |Lacuna coil - Hyperfast]

Neizplūdīšu notikumu aprakstos, bet teikšu vienkārši - pat labākie draugi reizēm var šķist tik sveši. Un uguns atblāzma maigi krāso manus vaibstus, kā vēroju biedru siluetus un ēnas.
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Veltījums tam, kura vairs nav, lai skan viņa vārdi [Jun. 24th, 2004|02:37 pm]
I cannot...

I cannot withstand this way
Of things. Begin to feel dismay
Or stop and let the world flee on

People come people go
some are friend, some are foe
But to me they're all the same

They cause my blood
To boil and flood
With presence discontent

See the dagger in my hand
Feel your corpse down in the sand
As the blade cuts through you

Time and again I turn to grief
Where others might start to lose their belief
The devil's advice I heed

But I cannot continue
The trust that I put in you
Has been once more defiled
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