Non serviam - March 29th, 2004 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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[Links:| Jaunie Dziesmas Stāsti ]

March 29th, 2004

*** [Mar. 29th, 2004|04:45 pm]
[stāvoklis |creatīvs]
[melodija |Air - Venus]

We were just lauging
She sat there amidst us

We were just lauging
She sat there amidst us
And smiled at the world
It seemed so glorious

We were just lauging
She sat there amidst us
And smiled at the world
It seemed so glorious
But now I recall
Something truly was wrong

We were just lauging
She sat there amidst us
And smiled at the world
It seemed so glorious
But now I recall
Something truly was wrong
The curse over her
It appeared too strong

We were just lauging
She sat there amidst us
And smiled at the world
It seemed so glorious
But now I recall
Something truly was wrong
The curse over her
It appeared too strong
The eve went on
The night encreeping

We were just lauging
She sat there amidst us
And smiled at the world
It seemed so glorious
But now I recall
Something truly was wrong
The curse over her
It appeared too strong
The eve went on
The night encreeping
Our air was thrilled
No one could be weeping

We were just lauging
She sat there amidst us
And smiled at the world
It seemed so glorious
But now I recall
Something truly was wrong
The curse over her
It appeared too strong
The eve went on
The night encreeping
Our air was thrilled
No one could be weeping
With one single word
She made the room still...

...When moon hit her face
Herself she did kill
Linklem tiesu

[Mar. 29th, 2004|04:54 pm]
[stāvoklis |crying]

Nesen kopš gadsimtiem dzīvi raudāju
Linklem tiesu

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