Non serviam - March 25th, 2004 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Vērotājs, staigātājs

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[Links:| Jaunie Dziesmas Stāsti ]

March 25th, 2004

Question 1 [Mar. 25th, 2004|03:56 pm]
[stāvoklis |Instable]
[melodija |Nirvana - My girl]

Was it a sandstorm, raging earth?
Did grounds strike me down
And loot me of my crown?

Was it a tide, ongoing sea?
Did waters carry me away
Off from homeland's clay?

Was it inferno, a roaring flame?
Did embers char me
So I could be hardly?

Was it a whirlwind, discontent wind?
Did airs twist my mind
Am I not more of the sane kind?

Are the elements to blame, is nature teasing me?
No, it is just you, it's just your gentle touch.
To me it means so much.
Linklem tiesu

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