Goba ([info]gobish) wrote on July 28th, 2006 at 07:10 pm

taa tur bija pirmaa pasaules kara laikaa:

un taa tur ir tagad:

bijaam dienvidflandrijaa.pilseeta ar nosaukumu Iepres, kas atrodaas paars km no Francijas robezjas.peec pirmaa pasaules kara pillllniigi nopostiita. bet belgjiem iekshaa taads speeks,ka njem un visu pilseetu uzbuuvee no jauna un mats mataa tieshi taadu pashu. un muzejs par 19padsmitajiem kara gadiem bija iespaidiigs. neteiktu ka ekspoziicijas iespaidiigas un veerieniigas, bet no taas apjausmas kas notikaas shinii zemee un kaa lietas risinaajaas.  

" Front line, 1.1.15.'Dont shoot!'we said to each other. We showed our faces. We laughed. We beckoned, 'Come here!' They threw packets of cigarettes. We threw back oranges and apples. A few men came out to pick up the fruit that had fallen in fron of the trenches. We waved a bottle. This fair-haired Boche, strapping and smooth-faced, threw himself at everything we gave him. Soon, there were more than twenty heads showing above the trench. We didnt try to hide, either. Two Germans came up. One explained to us that it was us who should go over to them. The other suddenly exclaimed, 'Ah! I've had enough!' and jumped into our trench, where he finished his speech. 'I'm from Alsace, and I'm coming with you!' He was from the 126th." War Diary.
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