Goba ([info]gobish) wrote on June 5th, 2006 at 03:04 pm
still the best song.through all these years,gosh.

Turn around
Look at what you see
In her face
The mirror of your dream
Make believe I'm everywhere
I'm hidden in the lines
And written on the pages
Is the answer to a neverending story

Reach the stars
Fly a fantasy
Dream a dream
And what you see will be
Rhymes that keep their secrets
Will unfold behind the clouds
And there upon the rainbow
Is the answer to a neverending story, story

Show no fear
For she may fade away
In your hands
The birth of a new day

Rhymes that keep their secrets
Will unfold behind the clouds
And there upon the rainbow
Is the answer to a neverending story
Neverending Story
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