čīkstuļa pieraksti

vairāk jā nekā nē


mizantrops, bet patiesībā nemaz ne.
antropologs, bet vēl īsti ne.
nekas vēl īsti ne. es vēl mācos.


4. Jūnijs 2008


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tikko atcerējos, cik sasodīti prātu apstulbinoši fantastisks bija muse koncerts.
kā jau pati pirmā dziesma take a bow var aizvest publiku līdz pirmajai kulminācijai, ka es jums saku, tas bija orgasms ausīm.
ļoti ļoti gribu vēlreiz.

please let me get what i want

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good times follow change
see, the luck i've had
could make a good man turn bad
so please please please
let me, let me, let me
let me get what i want this time

haven't had a dream in a long time
see, the life i've had
could make a good man bad
so for once in my life
let me get what i want
lord knows it would be the first time
lord knows it would be the first time
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