Working to an average of 15 seconds a tweet (which is probably a bit longer than
those quick @ replies and a bit shorter than something you'd think about)...
You've spent about 14 minutes of your life sending tweets.
Yep, your 56 tweets mean you've tweeted 99% less than the average person who's visited this site.
In fact, had you not been tweeting, in the same time you could have
boiled a perfect egg (runny in the middle) 4 times, and STILL have 2 minutes left over!
Also, had you earned as much money as Tom Cruise did last year,
in the time you spent sending tweets you would have banked about $600.
Pretty good work, if you can get it.
All that aside - I guess it's just lucky we can't figure out how long
you've spent reading other people's tweets, eh?!
Tas par manu twitterkontu. Žēl, ka neesmu Toms Krūzs...
Vētra forša! :D Būtu kāds ekstrēmists blakus, piedāvātu aiziet uz jūru un palūrēt viļņus, bēeēēt... nav!
Un vispār - brīvdiena ir laba lieta!
Sen nebiju vakarā aliņu izsutinājusi... Yo!