Fri, Sep. 15th, 2023, 11:19 am
[info]formica: in 50 different ways

"You are inducing a de-facto autoimmune disorder by forcing your own cells to generate spike protein. When the immune system mounts a defense to the foreign (and almost impossible to destroy) spike protein, you are circumventing the natural immune pathways. Thus once the immune system realizes that it's attacking the body itself, it automatically down-regulates. The immune profiles of American doctors who were able to track their immune profiles closely, we showing us evidence of a catastrophic crash to profiles resembling AIDS patients. There's also evidence that when T-Cells attach to spike protein, they do not undergo apoptosis as would normally be expected and instead persisted in a zombie-T-Cell sort of state. This is likely one of mechanisms that causes T-Cell exhaustion.
We are also seeing evidence of a complete shut down of cancer-mediating mRNA... and the rise of so-called "hypercancers"... which are progressing at rates never before observed. Furthermore, the main mechanism of LNP allows it to immediately start passing into the vascular and lymph systems. This causes a "dumping of mRNA in LNP" into the left atrium of the heart where it attaches to the heart tissue... and is subsequently attacked by T-Cells causing major infarctions, myocarditis and pericarditis."

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