Sun, Nov. 6th, 2022, 09:21 pm
[info]formica: bo*ts on the ground

"Ironically titled ‘Unheard Voice: Evaluating five years of pro-Western covert influence operations’, the report has been studiously ignored by almost all in the Western establishment media..

The Information Operations, reported in the Stanford-Graphika report.., can be confidently stated as being operated by groups or individuals affiliated to US military entities, are promoting US military and US imperial aims in the targeted countries. Those targeted countries are all designated enemies of the US and methods and techniques exposed by the report are proven to have been used by US military propaganda units and indeed in some cases the links are direct. Much of their source information is originated from US-funded media sites, US embassies, and US military units, and, finally, metadata crumbs point to the US military."

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