Fri, Oct. 14th, 2022, 05:33 pm
[info]formica: global CIA

"As early as Spring 1947, Henri Bonnet, French Ambassador to Washington and on board with the American agenda, was relaying to French leaders their required subjugation and incorporation into what was to become the Schuman Plan.
The Conference on European Economic Cooperation, meeting from 12 July 1947, would simultaneously give birth to an organisational structure leading to the Schuman Plan, to the announcement of Marshall Plan funds tied to German reconstruction, and the cessation of reparations from occupied Germany.

It was first and foremost a Cold War project.

France had been occupied and brutalized, industrially ravaged. But, as with the aftermath of World War I, France was to be the loser of the US-dominated post-War settlement, and the German aggressor designated as the beneficiary."

"..the three grand imperatives of imperial geostrategy are to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together" jeb kad vaaciets nupat dabuujis no aizjuuras saimnieka kaavienu par biznesa sakariem ar zemaako kastu, arii spranchu sapnji par revanshu un dominanci var tikpat brutaali tikt likvideeti.

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