April 17th, 2021

07:52 am
déjà vu

"Революционное движение возглавляли, преимущественно, те же дворяне и попы, и для революционеров, тем более марксистов, Советская власть была такой же неожиданностью, как и для всей прочей публики."


Alison McDowell




10:07 pm
what true words are worth

https://youtu.be/Q3VfkNZfiak?t=3390 prof. dr. Mattias Desmet

In her book The Origins of Totalitarianism, the German-American political thinker Hannah Arendt brilliantly describes how this process took place in Nazi Germany, among other places. For example, nascent totalitarian regimes typically fall back on a ‘scientific’ discourse. They show a great preference for figures and statistics, which quickly degenerate into pure propaganda, characterised by a radical “disregard for the facts”. For example, Nazism based its ideology on the superiority of the Aryan race. A whole series of so-called scientific data substantiated their theory. Today we know that this theory had no scientific validity, but scientists at the time used the media to defend the regime’s positions. Hannah Arendt describes how these scientists proclaimed questionable scientific credentials, and she uses the word “charlatans” to emphasize this. She also describes how the emergence of this kind of science and its industrial applications was accompanied by an inevitable social change. Classes disappeared and normal social ties deteriorated, with much indefinable fear, anxiety, frustration, and lack of meaning. It is under such circumstances that the masses develop very specific psychological qualities. All fears that haunt society become linked to one ‘object’ – for example, the Jews – so that the masses enter into a kind of energetic struggle with this object. And onto that process of social conditioning of the masses, a completely new political and constitutional organisation subsequently grafts itself: the totalitarian state.



10:52 pm
Nous on veut continuer à danser encore

https://youtu.be/njtFAYwq4EA Bruxelles Central

https://youtu.be/A7FzmoICavg Bruxelles Central, May 1st

https://youtu.be/T9o8UfIqS0U Paris, Gare du Nord

https://youtu.be/GN5B27zT29Y Paris, Gare de l'Est

https://youtu.be/-ao14lFNQeQ Paris, Gare de l'Est II

https://youtu.be/rDj41BKQDZc Alexandra Henrion Caude - Paris, Fontaine des Innocents

https://youtu.be/2beZ_ZU45ls Paris, Fontaine des Innocents

https://youtu.be/SyBEMRyt6Qg HK - Danser encore (Officiel) Français, Anglais, Allemand, Italien

https://youtu.be/9X4ZYTOJhZI Marseille , l'Estaque

https://youtu.be/wIuEh-cm6J0 La Rochelle

https://youtu.be/Nlfi21jeqQU Forêt Avallon

https://youtu.be/IJLWcdI7ajs Monistrol-sur-Loire

https://youtu.be/DjkiAoJk1SM Tours

https://youtu.be/hPb2nvHwcgA Toulouse

https://youtu.be/E6h6nTLKjVg Montpellier

https://youtu.be/gJI6UgeEy78 La Chapelle-en-Vercors

https://youtu.be/NMI8JBjg_qw Nijmegen - Netherland

https://youtu.be/DjkiAoJk1SM Berlin

https://youtu.be/b13VlKOX9kg Berlin II

https://youtu.be/AiN7sSmfKvo Zürich Suisse

https://youtu.be/qgxy0ciVRLo Grenoble

https://youtu.be/FereCZl2esI Bologna

https://youtu.be/PIQvsOja_30 Europe

..une chanson qui est devenue le symbole de la résistence contre le fascisme