Fri, May. 28th, 2021, 03:23 pm
[info]formica: par netikshanu uz masu burzinjiem:

Uz to var paskatiities no realitaatee baazeetas logjikas puses - viirusu princis F ir deklareejis, ka ""If the vaccine also allows you to prevent initial infection that would be great," he said. "But what I would settle for, and all my colleagues would settle for, is the primary endpoint, which is to prevent clinically recognizable disease. That's what we hope happens."

Taatad vakcineetie viens otru un paareejos var aplaist daudz efektiivaak (motocikla kjiveres efekts).

No treshaas puses - kad burkaani un citi bonusi izsiiks, varturi laidiis darbaa paatagu un tad gan notiks kaartiigs atbirums un nelikviidi noliks karotes.

No ceturtaas puses - onkulim Bilam jau sen ir padomaa veezha vakciina, uz kaa epideemiju tiks brugjeets celjsh, menjgjeejoties ar messendzera vakciinaam.

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