- 9/1/04 02:28 pm
- Take the quiz: "Whats your political view."
Screw goverment. Try telling me what to do, get the fuck outta here. Let people learn from their mistakes and the stupid will die in the chaos. - com+com
- 9/1/04 06:02 pm
:)) tas tests ar 4 jautaajumiem ir ljoti izsmeljosh :)
- re_
- 9/1/04 07:07 pm
nu jaa - priecaajies, ka neesmu fashists, citaadaak izskjaidiitu tavu kraaninju!
- re_
- 9/2/04 12:07 am
You dont care about politics.
...i dont know shit about politics nor do i care....this quiz was a waste of time.
principā tieši tas, ko vēlos - pilnībā atbrīvoties no intereses par politiku. vēl tikai nedaudz... ^^ - re_