[Jul. 1st, 2013|10:11 am] |
lol. man piedaavaa speeleet grupaa. zheel, ka es esmu paaraak tizla tam, heh. un negribas sasaistiities veel vairaak vienalga. |
making plans to change the world while the world is changing us |
[Jul. 1st, 2013|12:48 pm] |
[ | music |
| | dave matthews - stay or leave | ] | Wake up naked drinking coffee, Making plans to change the world While the world is changing us... It was good good love. We used to laugh under the covers Maybe not so often now The way I used to laugh with you Was loud and hard Stay or leave I want you not to go But you should It was good as good goes |
elfi enti evi |
[Jul. 1st, 2013|07:08 pm] |
nu, nav nemaz tik briesmīga šī diena. beidzot ar mani sazinājās nosūtītājorganizācija. rīt pēdējo dienu jāmāca ang val. šodien satikšu brāli. ceru parunāt. yes. diezgan nedzīva. |
the night is young my son |
[Jul. 1st, 2013|11:18 pm] |
baigā sajūta, ai, kā varētu tagad tūlīt! |