evia vind - May 22nd, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
evia vind

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May 22nd, 2011

[May. 22nd, 2011|12:38 am]
"When I love God I love the beauty of bodies, the rhythm of movements, the shining of eyes, the embraces, the feelings, the scents, the sounds of all this protean creation... The experience of God deepens the experiences of life... It awakens the unconditional Yes to life." Jurgen Moltmann
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[May. 22nd, 2011|09:25 pm]
sanesu sev istabā ceriņus, briesmīgi labi smaržo.
atradu sev jaunu draudziņu.
nutā, jā, mjau.
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[May. 22nd, 2011|11:55 pm]
eu, jaunā paaudze aug īpatnēji - tādi, kuri iet tagad videnē un tādi man redzami, visi baigi inteliģentie, jūsmo par literatūru, klasisko mūziku un dramaturģiju. nedzer un nepīpē. weird. kinda cool though
bet ko tad es ar savu teoloģisko gruzonu, hah
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