You can take a picture of something you see. - i'm a rainbow

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Janvāris 11., 2006

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16:46 - i'm a rainbow
When the mornin’ gather the rainbow, yeah, yeah
Want you to know, I’m a rainbow too now
To the rescue, here I am
Want you to know, y’all, can you, can you, can you understand?

Sun is shining, the weather is sweet now
Make you wanna move your dancing feet, yeah
But to the rescue, here I am
Want you to know just if you can, here I stand, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

Can you understand me now, baby?
Do you believe me?

/Es eju slidot.
Šoreiz nevis pie Mārciš, bet tepat, Pļavniekos.

Garastāvoklis:: sun is shining
Mūzika: hahā!

(2 iekoda | iekod man)


[User Picture]
Date:11. Janvāris 2006 - 18:08
Ohhh, Pļavnieki, cik pazīstama vieta :)
[User Picture]
Date:11. Janvāris 2006 - 21:14
vai ne :))

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