erny stūrītis - I wish you enough... [ko tas Erny sheit ir sarakstijis? :) |pagrabs |draudziņi |kas ir ERNY un netikai! ]

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I wish you enough... [Feb. 14th, 2011|09:02 pm]
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[:) + ;) =)) |touched]
[skaņas |silence]

I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright no matter how gray the day may appear.

I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun even more..

I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and everlasting.

I wish you enough pain so that even the smallest of joys in life may appear bigger.

I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting…

I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.

I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good- bye.
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