nu ir taču mazliet ģeniāli, ne?

(..)I wanna see through all the lies of society
To the reality, happiness is at stake
I wanna hold up my head with dignity
Proud of a life where to give means more than to take
I wan't to live beyond the modern mentality
Where paper is all that you're really taught to create

(..)I know it sounds like a dream
But it's the only thing that can get me to sleep at night
I know it's hard to believe
But it's easy to see that something here isn't right
I know the future looks dark
But it's there that the kids of today must carry the light

Willy Mason - Oxygen


Tu nezini kā darbojas cilvēka prāts - ja ir pilni dziesmu teksti, tos nelasa, ja ir pārāk gari teksti, rodas nevēlēšanās tos lasīt un reti kurš tos izlasa, ir konkrēts garums, kuru izlasa gandrīz vienmēr un par nelaimi, ja teksts ir angļu valodā, tad šis garums ir tik cik ir un tāpēc visas labās frāzes nevar atļauties ierakstīt. =)