ena's Journal
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Friday, September 27th, 2019

    Time Event
    Good morning today.
    You can set boundaries with someone as late in the game of your relationship as you want to.

    Todays moon transit is asking you to be open to new opportunities. Hide how you feel so you can get things done. Something or someone from your past may pop up.

    Power in work and self
    Pressure in thinking & creativity, social life, and sex & love
    Trouble with spirituality
    Man pietruukst tuviiba taapeec es miijojos pie iespeejas es ljaujos pieskaarieniem un random apskaavieniem un ljauju tureet rokas man uz pleciem un nonjemt matus no pieres un tas nav par seksu jo to dabuut ir vienkaarsi un tur nevajag miiljumu es vienkaarsji gribu lai mani paijaa jo man skiet es sevi nejuutu vairs un man ir tik gruuti guleet uz diviem spilveniem

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