
June 2nd, 2013

03:29 pm

labdien jūnijā!
naktī apēdām karameļu saldējumu ar banāniem un mellenēm, pēc tam jau gandrīz četri no rīta, putni tik skaļi, it kā mājotu galvā.
ārā karsti, iekšā slābani, man liekas, ka jāatskaņo kaut kas skaists un jāiebīda dušā noskalotais ķermenis starp palagiem. vakarā jāgatavojas bakalaura aizstāvēšanai.

rekur mans otrais no šī gada trim izlaidumiem.

"People can sey we're bananas or misguided or whatever, but if they haven't been there, it's hard to understand the basis of their criticism. (..) But nothing lasts, you know. Not your friends, not your enemies, nothing lasts. And we deny this. And yet that's the great psychedelic truth, and if you can face it in every moment and live it, you will have a very, very complete experience of existence. You will ride the Dao toward the concrescence and be able to live in the light of its anticipation. And this, I believe, makes for a healthy life full of lots of laughs, and that's basically what we're striving for here. The best idea, the truest idea, will feel right."
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