elibom_suxel's Journal
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Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

    Time Event
    "Sometimes, your heart will not let you see what you need to see, and this may be the case right now
    Life is getting better. :)Went to see Lilo and Stitch last night with Merrit.Got a lot cleared up, but we're still confused.Lots more of me being happy. yay. :) Went to B&N and bought the book Candide and listened to neat CDs.Went to his dad's house watch Seinfeld and ate our Frosties.Came home My mom is confused, I laughed at her and told her not to worry. Fell asleep reading the book i bought.Making post Friends only for sure from now on. If you're not on the list IM me e-mail me or comment on this last publc post.Going to see The Power Puff Girl Movie today with the great Kristen. :)Write more later. The End

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