elibom_suxel's Journal
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Sunday, January 25th, 2009

    Time Event
    Jake, i swear..
    Okay.. what is happening in the Philippines? I came home early last friday from the office because of all the chaos.. im confused on how i feel right now and all these bad news just sucks. Im in a very delicate stage right now (Damn you Annie Proulx! Damm you Ang Lee! sniff ) Or this is just my PMS talking. Ngr.
    4 DAYS OF VACATION FOR STUDENTS! O_O Woe is me, because i'm working. I really wish i was still a student BOOHOO :(
    Damn it, Brokeback Mountain just won't let me be. I'm still affected by it... I guess it's because i haven't had anyone to talk about it. No one i know watched it -_- im alone in my suffering. I can't even share it with the officemate that went with me because that is not how she views it. She just saw it as some interesting movie and that ends it. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG ME! IM ALL F*CKED UP GROOWWLLL (i just hate tragic love stories) GOOD GRACIOUS I EVEN DIG COUNTRY MUSIC NOW AUUGHHHHH or just the movie soundtrack hehehe.. it calms me... reminds me of Jake Gyllenhaal. I'm swooning over him as you've noticed. GOD, HE'S HOT! and young ;) His smile, his eyes i even luv his frikkin beard! AUGH MY BUBBLE BOY I LOVE YOU! i wish i knew how to quit you!!(goodbye Tom Cruise!) There's this rumor going around that he's bisexual and all i can say to that is.. whatever. I'm weird for thinking that if i can't have anyone i like or crushing it's better that a guy could have him instead of some other girl! HA! that applies to everyone i had liked (gei ka rodanfrog wahahahah *gets killed by aya*). Jake Gyllenhaal, i don't care what is your preference! You are a good actor! Goodluck at the Oscars! You too Heath!! GAWD THEY ARE SO HOT!! *dies*

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