Eva [userpic]

January 6th, 2008 (02:25 pm)

Es kautiņā varētu tikt galā ar 26 piecgadniekiem. XD
Tas ir smieklīgākais tests, kuru es JEBKAD esmu pildījusi..

$4975.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth.

Your dead body is worth $4675,0! Doesn't that make you feel great?

Sekojoši, 65% iespējamība, ka palikšu dzīvajos 'after zombie apocalypse'.

Your Body is Producing 305 Watts!
This is 22% MORE wattage than the average person

* You could light up 3 light bulbs
* You could power 76 iPods
* You could power 2 Xbox 360s
* 3 of you would be needed to keep a refrigerator running..
