"true song as real as my tears"(c)Cake [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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[Sep. 11th, 2006|10:48 pm]

kārtējā histērija.
gandrīz angliska savā mierā.
joprojām nav uzradusies jēga, un arī mērķis kavējas (tālēs zilajās?).
apkārt tik daudz skaistu cilvēku, ka gribas raudāt.

retorisks jautājums - kāpēc estētisku sajūsmu jāsamaitā jāattīsta seksuālā plāksnē?
divas atbildes: cilvēki ir kropļi / es esmu kroplis
(vajadzīgo pasvītrot)
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depression [Sep. 10th, 2006|08:38 pm]
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divi puspunkti no 14 nav. neužeļi depresija?

common symptoms:

  • feeling sad, hopeless or despairing for much of the time

  • tiredness, lack of energy and irritability

  • a loss of interest or pleasure in activities that were once enjoyed

  • a slowing down of mind and body, or increased agitation and restlessness

  • increased anxiety

  • problems remembering, concentrating or making simple decisions

  • feelings of low self-esteem, worthlessness or guilt that is not warranted.

  • feeling isolated and cut off from other people, even those who are close

  • a loss of loving feelings, which can be very distressing

  • a loss of interest in sex

  • changes in eating habits such as eating too much or too little

  • difficulty in getting to sleep, waking much earlier than usual or sleeping too much.

  • feeling much worse in the morning, especially on waking

  • thoughts of suicide or death.

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My so-called life [Aug. 28th, 2006|04:08 pm]

skola ir kā lauvu bedre un skolēni - kristieši. un katru dienu tu atdzimsti vēlvienai pārbaudei. ja tava "ticība" ir stipra - tu izdzīvosi. ja nē .. ir divas iespējas - vai tu kļūsti par zvēru, vai par dzīvu mironi. tu staigā, ēd, domā - bet tevī vairs nav tā kas padara cilvēku par cilvēku.
"casino always win"

man šķiet es nomiru. sen-sen, pašā sākumā.
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